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rainy mornings make me snuggly and pensive

It’s raining today.

I know this because I am working from home, sitting next to an open window as the breeze from our first sub-sixty degree weather drifts in, along with the sound of rain splashing on everything it can. I have my candles lit and my steaming hot mug of tea cooling next to me.

It’s been a really great morning.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a sun person. I need the sun in order to function. I need bright, natural light and lots of it.

But sometimes….every once in awhile…. I wake up with the need to throw on sweater that’s two sizes too large and curl up on my favorite chair and pretend I’m in the English countryside. 

Today is one of those days.

We’ve had some extraordinary weather here in Georgia this summer. Beautiful, hot, sky-blue, long, sunny days, filled with nice breezes and a great wind chime. My husband and I have had frequent opportunities for hiking and backpacking and camping, for swimming and kite-flying, even for a very scary downhill slip’n’slide. It’s been an awesome summer!

But let’s be real. Autumn is where it’s at. And while I love that time of Fall when the sun slants just right through your window and warms you up from the inside out, even with that great October chill in the air…. I still love me a great rainy day.

I feel like I’m in another place, or another time. I feel all at once peaceful, snuggly, pensive, and smarter than I actually am. I wear my glasses. I put my hair up in a tall bun. I selfie.

Rainy days are for reading books and knitting warm things. They’re for hot tea and delicious alone time. The introvert in me squeaks out a praise as loud as its introvert heart can when I wake up to a rainy morning. 

With work being as crazy as its been the last few weeks, it’s been a very busy day so far. But I’m looking forward to wrapping up my work an hour early and curling up with yarn and hook and listening to the rain continue to soothe away my fears and worries. Maybe I’ll have another cuppa tea. Or three.

This is a good day.


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