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What I’m Discovering On The Whole30

That sweet husband of mine told me a few weeks ago he really wanted to do the Whole30. Then he told me again. And again.

Because I love him so much, and because we’ve watched a dozen documentaries on poor food choices and sugar and juicing and cleansing and detoxing and what eating whole food really does for your body….. I finally gave in. By choice. Or exhaustion.

Either way here we are on the Whole30. And we’ve made it to Day 10!!

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it’s kiiiiiiind of a big deal

What is the Whole30, you might ask? It’s a 30 day reset for your digestive system. A no-dairy, no-sugar, no-grain (or hippie semi-grain), no-legume (that means beans, too) whole foods program that flushes out the toxins left behind in your body by sugar intake or consumption of any food that causes inflammation. In other words, it’s a gut-healer. Take away sugar, butter, chemicals, breads, pastas, additives, sweeteners, and joy, and you get the foods left for you while on the program.

Haha, I’m just kidding!



Every meal is made from scratch, and when I say ‘scratch’ I actually mean I have to make my own salsa, sauces, and dressings from nine thousands different whole foods. I find recipes that look good, sound affordable, and have great reviews, and then I spend the necessary hour-and-a-half-on-average time to make each meal. Three times a day. Breakfast usually takes only about 45 minutes, though. And salads are maybe 10-15 minutes of slicing and dicing, plus whatever time it takes to make the dressing if you don’t want dry leaves and raw veggies alone.

Sounds like a lot, and it is. It really is.

But what you get from the program is incredibly valuable. Check out the description of some of the many benefits experienced while on the program (found on the Whole30 website):

The physical benefits of the Whole30 are profound. More than 95% of participants lose weight and improve their body composition, without counting or restricting calories. Also commonly reported: consistently high energy levels, improved athletic performance, better sleep, improved focus and mental clarity, and a sunnier disposition. (Yes, more than a few Whole30 graduates said they felt “strangely happy” during and after their program.)

The psychological benefits of the Whole30 may be even more dramatic. Through the program, participants report effectively changing long-standing, unhealthy habits related to food, developing a healthier body image, and a dramatic reduction or elimination of cravings, particularly for sugar and carbohydrates. The words so many Whole30 participants use to describe this place? “Food freedom.”

Sounds amazing, right?

Well, let’s just say it’s not all fun and games. You definitely can’t have your cake and eat it, too. Or at all. Even just having cake nearby is the worst. I’ve had to bow out of events scheduled weeks ago because I couldn’t go sit in a Mexican restaurant and smell delicious cheese sauce without having a stroke, or enjoy my friend’s wedding shower while also smelling yummy cookies and chocolate-dipped pretzels.

The Professor and I are on Day 10 of the Whole30. That’s double digits, baby! We are definitely celebrating. While this hasn’t been a big transition for him- he eats pretty much only whole foods anyway- this has turned the whole world upside down for this sugar addict. I seriously dream about cupcakes. I didn’t even like cupcakes before this program. And I literally dream about them now. Also I’ve found myself making the majority of the meals, whether out of our agreement on gender roles in marriage, or because when The Professor makes meals he just throws random stuff in the skillet and whatever happens, happens. That floors me. What if it’s not delicious and I have to wait another 3 hours for a meal while dealing with these psycho cravings AND I wasn’t satisfied with our last meal?? They usually turn out fine, by the way, but it is a real stressor. He likes it just fine when I cook, and since I’m only following recipes they’ve all pretty much turned out mouthwateringly.

Want to know what else I’m discovering?

  1. Every meal of the day can be absolutely divine. Also- carne asada is the GREATEST MEAT OF ALL TIME.
  2. Cooking from scratch means a real sacrifice of time, and sometimes other activities. If you have the spirit of laziness or idleness, this program will really kick you in the pants. Or you’ll just go hungry.
  3. Sometimes it’s SUPER inconvenient not to be able to ‘grab something and go’. Or run through a drive-thru. Or eat at someone’s house.
  4. There’s something really special about sharing a meal with others, but when you show up to a gathering and everyone’s eating apple cider bread, or drinking wine, or enjoying that creamy soup and you can’t, it’s not just awkward for you. I feel like I’m really missing out on that ‘breaking of bread together’ thing right now.
  5. When the Whole30 warns you that this really is a ‘cleanse’, they’re not kidding. How does your body ‘cleanse’ itself? That’s right. A lot.
  6. Sugar is no joke. It’s basically the new tobacco- popular, addictive, and deadly. I wouldn’t necessarily say I have been addicted to sugar, but I would definitely say given the choice between a delicious ice cream cone or nothing…I would choose ice cream cone. And it’s been a real fight to continue saying no to these cravings, even after 10 days without any kind of sugar, sweetener, or additive.
  7. Sometimes you get so lightheaded the room around you feels like that Round Up ride at the county fair. Literally.
  8. My skin, teeth, and hair have never felt so healthy.
  9. Vegetables have never tasted so yummy. Vegan tomato zucchini casserole, anyone??
  10. Honestly, our meals have been so delicious I don’t feel like I’m missing anything at all while we’re eating them. It’s just in that pesky in-between time that I’ve found I really struggle with cravings and snackiness.
  11. I’ve never been prouder of myself. Honestly. With all my accolades and awards, with the cool things I’ve done and seen and been a part of…I’ve never, ever been prouder of myself than I am of crushing this lifestyle change- and we’re only 1/3 of the way finished.
  12. My instagram has somehow mutated into mostly just food porn.
  13. I love making meals from scratch.
  14. I hate making meals from scratch.
  15. I have to really be on top of my priorities in order to maintain the demands of this program.
  16. When you make a huge lifestyle change, the people around you really take notice. I can’t tell you how many people have shared they feel encouraged by our choices, even to the point of beginning the program themselves! They’ve asked for recipes and tips, and told us how delicious our food looks. To a Words of Affirmation girl, this has been really beneficial in my battle against the munchies.
  17. I am a really snacky person. Seriously. There I am, sitting on the couch (or at work, or at my desk, or in the car, or in my dreams) and I find myself longing for the act of putting my hand in a bowlful of munchies and bringing my hand to my mouth, then chewing said munchies until they’re all gone. It is the strangest discovery so far.
  18. I really, really, really, really, REALLY miss chewing gum. ESPECIALLY now that most of my meals feature onions.
  19. I miss the texture of cake more than the actual flavor. Also bread. And muffins. Also scones. Really, any bread-y-type of food I miss. Mmmmm, spongy, springy texture.
  20. I haven’t worked out yet- at all- because I’m afraid I won’t have the energy for it. The Professor has three times as much energy as he did before we started this program, and I’m still in the must-sleep-in-and-take-naps stage. I guess I had a whooooole lotta sugar built up in my system.
  21. I lost 3 lbs in the first 5 days. Without exercising. Or counting calories. Or watching my meal portions.
  22. I have A LOT more self-control than I thought I did. This is both surprising and encouraging to me.
  23. Coconut milk never tasted so good. The first time I threw espresso in my steamed coconut milk, I gagged. The second time my mouth watered. Guess your taste buds really do change.
  24. My nail beds haven’t grown stronger or healthier, but I AM HOPEFUL.
  25. Salted nut mix is the greatest. I had a very strong aversion to salt before this program, and now it’s the greatest.
  26. Rather than throw away my jar of nutella or my bag of raisinets, I just hid them from myself. I hope this doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt.
  27. The Professor is hoping this really is a lifestyle change, and not just a 30-day reset. I’m not so convinced. I still miss my sugar. And carbs.
  28. I cannot drink enough water for the life of me. Somehow I’m still dehydrated. Is this how my body is supposed to be reacting, or do I just need more water because I’m flushing all the toxins out?
  29. My kitchen has never smelled so fragrant as it does all the time now.
  30. It’s so inconvenient to be away from my kitchen while on this program that I am actively thwarting all plans The Professor has tried to create to take me camping or on a weekend away. Even just a long day out is so hard to manage that I’d rather just not. It’s a super hard balance to find between needing to make everything at home, and filling our needs to be out in nature.
  31. Sweet potatoes and smoked salmon taste like CANDY. Sweet potato chips, sweet potato fries, sweet potato wedges. Smoked salmon just by itself, cold. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

I was only going to write down 30- since it’s the Whole30 and everything (get it?!)- but that last one is SO important I just ahd to throw it in. If you’re looking for a quick rundown of what we’ve experienced so far, and what’s still to come, check out this link. It is hilarious and- so far- pretty accurate.

Again- it’s only Day 10! But I’m super excited to keep going, to keep healing my body, and to keep discovering new fun things about food and health. Here are a couple pics of the yummy foods we’ve been eating so far:

Sauteed All The Veggies.

This is the greatest guacamole I’ve ever tasted. Hands down.
Vegan Tomato Zucchini Casserole. I added green peppers and carrots.

This carne asada is soaked in a homemade marinade before it’s broiled. Then you drizzle a homemade tomatillo salsa over the top. Just typing this out is making my mouth water.
Kale and sweet potato hash. Easily our favorite breakfast.


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  1. I’m not sure! That’s why Neil waited ’til marriage- so he’d have extra help prepping all the goodness!

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